Thursday, August 6, 2009

Activity 12: Color Image Segmentation

Segmentation by thresholding will not always work especially when the area of interest has the same grayscale value as the background. In such cases, segmentation can be done using the color of the image of interest. In this activity, we're going to demonstrate parametric and non-parametric color segmentation.

Normalize Chromaticity Coordinates (NCC)
Before we proceed with color segmentation, it is convenient to convert the RGB space into NCC space. NCC has the advantage of separating the chromaticity and intensity of the image which is ideal for representing 3D objects. Essentially, a 3D object obtains its 3D effect through shading variations.
To convert from an RGB space to NCC space we do the following: for each pixel,
Note that the chromaticity of the image is essentially reduced to two dimensions since b can be obtained from r and g usng b=1-(r+g). The image below represents the normalize chromaticity coordinates where the x-axis represents the r and y-axis represents the g.
Normalize chromaticity coordinate.

Color Segmentation: Parametric vs Non-parametric
To segment the image using its color, we must determine the probability that a pixel belongs into the color of interest. To do this, we need to extract the histogram of the color of interest and normalize it to the number of pixels to obtain the normalized PDF. In the NCC space, chromaticity is reduced to two dimensions, r and g such that we need to obtain the PDF for each space. If we assume that r and g are independent, we can obtain the PDF for each space separately and multiply them to obtain the overall PDF of the image.

Parametric Segmentation
Parametric segmentation segments the color by fitting a PDF in the image. Assuming a Gaussian distribution independently along r and g axis, we can obtain the PDF by using the equation below: mu is the mean value and sigma is the standard deviation of the color of interest, r is the NCC r-space of the image.Essentially, what this PDF does is to highlight all those pixels having pixel value near the mean and darkens those pixel values that deviates from the mean. Similarly we can obtain a similar PDF for the NCC-g space. The joint probability is obtained by multiplying p(r) and p(g). This PDF then contains all the highlighted pixel values near the desired color of interest.

Nonparametric Segmentation
The drawback of parametric segmentation is that it assumes a PDF independent of the pixel values of the image. In non-parametric segmentation, we base the segmentation base on the histogram of the color of interest itself and use this to backproject it to the image. Essentially, we obtain the 2D histogram of the color of interest by first converting it to NCC space. The result of this histogram then is a 2D matrix with the r-axis (representing the x-axis), g-axis (representing the y-axis) and the intensity (representing the count, frequency). For each pixel in the image, we backproject the obtained histogram. The steps are as follows:
  • obtain histogram of the color of interest, convert to NCC space first
  • for each pixel in the image, obtain its NCC r and g values
  • using the r and g values, find the pixel value from the histogram
  • replaec the pixel value of the image with the value obtained in the histogram
Below are reconstructed images of parametric and non-parametric segmentation.
Parametric reconstruction, observe that the segmentation is not perfect and contains two or more colors.

Non-parametric segmentation. The images are segmented quite well except for the brown and yellow hounds. Image was taken from source [2]

Parametric reconstruction. Note that for the gren shoe, artifacts of blue shoe are present in the segmentation. Image was taken from source [3].

Non-parametric segmentation. Note that the segmentation is clearer as compared to the parametric segmentation.

In general, non-parametric segmentation has better results in that it was able to segment the colored objects solely and cleanly as compared to the parametric segmentation. This is expected since in the paramtric segmentation, we assumed a Gaussian PDF whereas in the non-parametric segmentation, we base our segmentation solely from the image itself. It must be noted however that non-parametric segmentation highly depends on the cropped color of interest. For this reason, it is probably convenient to apply parametric segmetation for those that require automatic color segmentation.

In this activity, I give myself a grade of 10 for segmenting the images properly.

I would like to acknowledge jaya for useful discussions regarding the non-parametric segmentation

[1] App Physics 186 activity 12 manual

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